Player example
Sebastian Dominko
Sebastian Dominko, a former ITF junior player, struggled to perform consistently well in mid-2019 and transfer his training strengths to match play. He was unable to play to his full potential. His coach Tomaz decided to use Armbeep Tennis to monitor training load, performance, and trends, adjust training routines, and work on transferring improvements to match play.
The impact of Armbeep on player performance was substantial. Active play increased from 25% to 35%. Shots per hour increased from 350-400 to 400-600, an increase from 1,000 to 1,500 shots per week. Average HR increased from 130 to 143 during training sessions. The movement speed improved from walking to sprinting. Tempo increased by 15% during training and 20% during play.
Armbeep has Sebastian’s career heading in the right direction, improving his ITF junior ranking from 2294 in August 2019 to 620 in February 2020. Sebastjan has a record of 5-2 wins and has become a serial winner. Using data analysis, he finished his junior career as the 47th ranked player.