[FREE E-BOOK] Should we redefine our coaching philosophy?

Download free copy of the E_BOOK and find the answers to the questions that can help us better define our coaching philosophy.

Can we measure the tennis player's workload?

There used to be a well-known rule, that in order to achieve top-class quality in any activity, be it in sports, music, dancing or something else, you need 10.000 hours of practice in the period of 10 years.
How to start.

How to start

The best way to make the most out of your Armbeep kit straight out the gate is to follow three simple rules.

Heart Rate Variability and Sport Performance

When doing exercise or training, most people monitor the heart rate, the calorie burn, the BPM, and other variables.

Tennis coaches: How Objective and Useful is Our Feed-back After a Tennis Match

One of the most important jobs of a tennis coach is to provide to his player easy-to-understand and actionable feedback after match play.